Use "gatherer|gatherers" in a sentence

1. Comanches were nomadic hunter-gatherers

2. Even the hunter-gatherers used some elementary tools.

3. They used to be normal farmers or wood gatherers.

4. 9 Groups of hunters and gatherers used to roam Europe.

5. The hills' rock art has been linked to the local hunter gatherers.

6. The Anasazi were nomadic hunter-gatherers spread over a large area

7. While the Plains Indians were leading primitive lives as hunters and gatherers, the Anasazis …

8. The hunter—gatherer, the agrarian, and the industrial civilizations each produced their own technologies.

9. 4 Two main streams developed; the hunter became herdsman and the gatherer became agriculturalist.

10. Curator is the gatherer and custodian of the colours of Ireland and its native Design Community

11. At Bireme Capital, your wealth managers are professional investors, not salesmen or asset gatherers

12. Bandelier's human history extends back for over 11,000 years when nomadic hunter-gatherers followed migrating wildlife across the land

13. 29 Now McMaster was a prolific points gatherer in his heyday, running in tries or kicking prodigious penalties.

14. Unlocked at level 50 upon completion of Inscrutable Tastes, the Collectable system allows crafters and gatherers access to the Scrip Exchange, which exchanges various items for Yellow and White Crafters' Scrips and Yellow and White Gatherers' Scrips.

15. Same thing with the hunter-gatherer tribes and early man: you didn't live beyond the age of 30.

16. We will be talking about the San People of Botswana, who are often called the hunter gatherers or Bushmen

17. Broomcorn was a seed grain used by hunter-gatherers in China at least as long ago as 10,000 years

18. Summary and Definition: The Abenaki were farmers hunter gatherers and fishers whose lands stretched from Lake Champlain, the St

19. The term Bushman as it is used to describe certain southern African hunter-gatherers is somewhat controversial because it is …

20. Traditionally a hunter-gatherer society, some of the Batwa still practice ancient traditions and customs, which form part of their rich culture

21. Anthropologists estimate the Baka hunter-gatherer culture has endured for over 40,000 years, and Central Africa’s Pygmy population – somewhere in the region of …

22. Archaeologists delved into medieval Cesspits to study old gut microbiomes The data may shed light on differences in hunter-gatherer and urban microbiomes

23. Demographic estimates are presented for the Aurignacian techno-complex (~42,000 to 33,000 y calBP) and discussed in the context of socio-spatial organization of hunter-gatherer populations

24. The Blackfeet people were nomadic hunter/gatherers of the Great Plains who relied heavily on the buffalo as their main source of food as meat constituted

25. These immediate-return hunter-gatherers never suffer anxiety about the future of food supplies and are characterized by improvident, generous, happy-go-lucky personalities.

26. The early wave of European observers like William Dampier described the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the Aborigines of the West Coast as arduous and "miserable".

27. The Archaic period is the name given to generalized hunter-gatherer societies in the North American continent from approximately 8000 to 2000 years BP.

28. 16 The sea, the last part of the world where man acts as a hunter-gatherer—as well as bather, miner, dumper and general polluter—needs management, just as the land does.

29. The first 'permanent cultures' evolved when hunter-gatherers and nomadic people began tilling the earth and developing systems of agriculture, and Beans were among the first cultivated crops.

30. The Chumash Indians, hunter-gatherers centered on the south-central coast of Santa Barbara, were using highly worked shells as currency as early as …

31. To prevent mushroom poisoning, mushroom gatherers familiarize themselves with the mushrooms they intend to collect, as well as with any similar-looking toxic species.

32. Confectioners are a specialized craft school associated with the Gatherer school, though Outfitters and Scholars both gain skills early on that allow for access to the school

33. And it should take into account what we know of the aesthetic interests of isolated hunter- gatherer bands that survived into the 19th and the 20th centuries.

34. Jehovah approved of the Gibeonites’ becoming “gatherers of wood and drawers of water for the assembly and for Jehovah’s altar,” supplying firewood for the altar of sacrifice.

35. As hunter-gatherers, our forbears needed sensory cues to phenolic content -- Astringency and its taste analog, bitterness -- to distinguish food from poison, to determine ripeness and so forth.

36. Well, you look at modern hunter gatherers like aboriginals, who quarried for stone axes at a place called Mount Isa, which was a quarry owned by the Kalkadoon tribe.

37. It was here that the San hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age roamed the hills of the Limpopo and left behind their engravings and paintings in rock shelters.

38. But the archaeologist Lawrence Keeley, looking at casualty rates among contemporary hunter-gatherers, which is our best source of evidence about this way of life, has shown a rather different conclusion.

39. (14, 15, 16) Though no Ancestral population following a completely vegetarian or vegan diet has ever been discovered, it’s evident that hunter–gatherers did also enjoy plant foods, such as starchy root vegetables

40. Beothuk, North American Indian tribe of hunters and gatherers that resided on the island of Newfoundland; their language, Beothukan, may be related to Algonquian, but some authorities believe it to have been an independent language

41. Typical of the Plains Indians in many aspects of their culture, the Blackfoot, also known as Blackfeet, were nomadic hunter-gatherers, living in teepees and subsisting primarily on buffalo and gathered vegetable foods

42. If you are thinking about human evolution, you're thinking about hunters and gatherers, then cooking is absolutely vital, because, uh, on a raw diet, we have no evidence that anybody actually can survive in the wild.

43. The discovery of eight Biface lithic artefacts at Kashiwabara in Japan demonstrates the use of lithic reduction strategies, and suggests that mobile hunter-gatherers on the Japanese Islands were caching artefacts during the Incipient period of Jomon (c

44. An Agrarian society focuses its economy primarily on agriculture and the cultivation of large fields. This distinguishes it from the hunter-gatherer society, which produces none of its own food, and the horticultural society, which produces food in small gardens rather than fields

45. In instances where agriculture had become the predominant way of life, the sensitivity to these shortages could be particularly acute, affecting agrarian populations to an extent that otherwise may not have been routinely experienced by prior hunter-gatherer communities.

46. These nomadic hunter-gatherers were followed by waves of Arawaks (a collective term for the Amerindian people believed to be from the Orinoco River Delta around Venezuela and Guyana) who moved north and west, beginning the great tradition

47. [citation needed] For example, a stone arrowhead is Capital for a hunter-gatherer who can use it as a hunting instrument; similarly, roads are Capital for inhabitants of a city.Capital is distinct from land and other non-renewable resources in that it can be increased by

48. ‘All we require is a sense of Classlessness, of integrity and a bit of long-term economic sense.’ ‘Anthropologists, who have been struck by the relative Classlessness of hunter-gatherer peoples, have argued that the skilled hunter doesn't enjoy any special status.’

49. The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers, 75% of their diet consists of vegetable, including berries, walnuts, roots and melons, that are mainly harvested by women; while the remaining 25% is made up of meat that is hunted by men who hunt, using poisoned arrows and spears.

50. In the urban game park, nut-gatherers rule Welcome to the liveblog of the political Chitter -chat shows that we are forced to contend with in order to understand the minds of your political figures (addled) and the men and women who cover them (needy).

51. 1 Overview 2 Features 2.1 Unique Units 2.2 Unique Buildings 2.3 Immigrants 3 In-game Dialogue 3.1 General 3.2 Gatherer 3.3 Hero 4 Trivia 5 History 6 Gallery 7 Changelog 8 Portals The Bolivians are an upcoming Latin American civilization coming to Age of Empires III: Wars of Liberty

52. The Batwa pygmies were a semi-nomadic tribe who for thousands of years occupied the mountainous region of western Uganda.They lived a typical hunter-gatherer lifestyle: the men used simple spears or bows and arrows to catch birds, monkeys and small antelopes and bush pigs, while the women foraged for wild honey, fruits and berries.

53. The settlement of the Americas is widely accepted to have begun when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum

54. This ritualized decapitation Attests to the early sophistication of mortuary rituals among hunter-gatherers in the Americas, geographically, it expands the known range of decapitation in more than 2,000 kilometers (about 1,240 miles), showing that during the early Holocene, this was not a phenomenon restricted to the western part of the continent as previously assumed.

55. Balac: TWOT - 250: Phonetic Spelling: Parts of Speech: baw-las' Verb : Definition (Qal) to gather figs, tend sycamore trees ; King James Word Usage - Total: 1: gatherer 1: KJV Verse Count: Amos: 1: Total: 1: The Hebrew lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; this is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament." These

56. "Swain was a short, Crewcut infielder with a muscular frame and such tiny feet that his teammates used to say his shoes were small enough to drape over a rearview mirror." Strong narrative writing features character: 'like all the great narrative journalists, [Mark] Bowden must be a relentless asker of questions, a painstaking gatherer of

57. Alcuin, like Bede, was a teacher rather than a thinker, a gatherer and a distributor rather than an originator of knowledge, and in this respect, it is plain to us now, the bent of his genius responded perfectly to the imperative intellectual need of the age, which was the preservation and the representation to the world of the treasures of knowledge inherited from the past, long buried out of

58. The heat-absorbing medium of the heat gatherer absorbs the heat from the transformer oil and produces steam, and the steam is transmitted to the heat radiator via a steam-transmitting pipe and condensed into liquid after radiating the heat, and the condensed liquid condensate returns to the heat absober via liquid-returning pipe under the gravitational function, and then the circular process of the heat-absorbing, heat-radiating, the evaporation, the condensation, the steam-transmitting and the liquid-returning is finished to realize the purpose of transmitting the heat of the transformer to the far heat radiator.